Family’s Decision to Conserve 82-Acre Farm Expands Moulton Park


Charles Town, WV – Thanks to the generosity of the Moulton family, 沿着杰斐逊县的谢南多厄河,莫尔顿公园增加了82英亩的土地, West Virginia. The family sold the property at less than fair market value, also known as a bargain sale, to achieve a conservation and recreation outcome for the community. Partners, including Chesapeake ConservancyWest Virginia Land Trust and Jefferson County Parks & Recreation (JCPRC), 共同努力争取公共和私人资金来支持对该物业的收购, including a significant grant from the West Virginia Outdoor Heritage Conservation Fund.

Photo Credit: Jessica Spatafore

1976年,莫尔顿家族将原来的三英亩莫尔顿公园十大赌博正规老平台给JCPRC,以确保公众持续进入和娱乐. Almost 50 years later, the family’s generosity continued, 2023年6月,他们廉价出售了邻近的82英亩农场,现在扩建了莫尔顿公园. This generation of the family added conservation goals, stipulating that the land be managed for watershed protection, education, native species protection and soil and forest regeneration, 除了创造娱乐机会和公共通道的家庭遗产.

Following a formal planning process, the new parkland will include hiking trails, 露营设施和停车基础设施,以缓解谢南多厄河沿岸的拥堵和相关问题, one of 150 major rivers that flow into the Chesapeake Bay. 这些设施将补充由家庭成员在2015年设计和建造的现有户外凉亭.

“我们家四代人都有幸把这片美丽的土地称为家,” said Brucie Moulton. “我们都非常喜欢这个地方,没有人能忍受发展的想法, however profitable it might have been. 我们非常感谢与我们合作的众多合作伙伴,他们为这个强调环境保护和教育的物业打造了一个未来,这是莫尔顿家族的两个核心价值观,我们很高兴地知道,扩建后的莫尔顿公园将为后代的社区所享受.”

“I’m thrilled to join the West Virginia Land Trust, 杰斐逊县公园和娱乐中心以及十大赌博正规老平台协会庆祝莫尔顿公园82英亩扩建工程的完成,” said U.S. Senator Joe Manchin. “West Virginia is truly Wild and Wonderful, 这个令人兴奋的扩建将促进户外娱乐机会,促进杰斐逊县和整个山区的旅游业. I can’t wait to explore the new parkland myself. I was proud to support this project, 以及参议院能源和自然资源委员会主席, 我将继续努力确保西弗吉尼亚州的公共土地和公园为子孙后代受到保护.”

“历史悠久的哈珀渡口外的莫尔顿公园对我们的居民和游客来说都是一个标志性的地方, 我很自豪能支持我们今天庆祝的公园扩建. 西弗吉尼亚州因其美丽的自然风光和辉煌的土地而闻名全国, 今天的宣布将有助于在东部狭长地带延续这一传统,” said U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito. “我很感谢杰斐逊县公园和娱乐中心的工作, West Virginia Land Trust, West Virginia Outdoor Heritage Conservation Fund, 以及十大赌博正规老平台协会帮助确保这个公园将成为我们州几代人的主要景点.”

“莫尔顿一家的慷慨确实是我们如何, as a society, can achieve success in this era of conservation,” said Chesapeake Conservancy President and CEO Joel Dunn. “Governments and nonprofits can’t do it alone. Our society needs the support of private philanthropists, such as the extraordinary Moulton family, 我们正在与时间赛跑,以适应气候变化,并在2030年之前保护30%的切萨皮克湾流域.”

“这个项目展示了当地和全州合作伙伴的奉献精神, 利用组织力量和资源,成功实现环保,” said West Virginia Land Trust Land Programs Manager Ashton Berdine. “这也说明了一个家庭对土地和家园的热爱可以为杰斐逊县的所有人留下持久的遗产. This is a tremendous gift that keeps on giving.”

整个杰斐逊县公园和娱乐的董事会都很兴奋地看到房地产收购的成果,” said JCPRC President Toni Milbourne. “滨河物业将为莫尔顿公园的河流通道提供急需的补充,并为杰斐逊县的居民和游客提供美丽的被动娱乐机会. 我们非常高兴,并期待着在未来的几年里享受这个公园.”

The Moulton Family, Chesapeake Conservancy, Jefferson County Parks and Recreation, 和西弗吉尼亚土地信托希望感谢霍根路伟美国律师事务所为此次交易提供的法律顾问和工作.

About Moulton Park

Moulton Park has become one of Jefferson County’s premiere parks, 有半英里的河边,有露营和其他娱乐机会. 2012年安装了一个新的公共船坡道,允许人们在谢南多厄河捕鱼. 公园里有露营地、野餐桌、船坡道、火坑和停车场.

The park is a haven for native flora and fauna. 公园的扩建不仅增加了面积,而且增加了与多样化生态系统的联系, offering refuge to vegetation and wildlife species. In 2021, 西弗吉尼亚州自然资源部对他们家的农场进行了生物多样性调查. The survey concluded that two specific, 濒临灭绝的物种将受益于扩大的森林缓冲——戟叶玫瑰锦葵(芙蓉花)和北方红腹锦葵(拟红腹锦葵)。.
